Welcome to winter and our first-ever Winter CSA.

Apples are an excellent storage crop and the delicious things you can make from apples are practically unlimited so for three months — January, February, and March — we will be putting together an apple-based winter CSA.

What can you expect from a Sweetland Orchard winter CSA?

  • Four Sunday deliveries total, spaced three weeks apart (January 19, February 9, March 2, March 23)

  • Apples — one half-peck, as long as they’re still in good condition

  • Fresh-pressed cider — one half-gallon

  • An apple pie or gluten-free crisp (frozen, you bake at home)

  • Apple chips (2 packages)

  • Jam, jelly, apple butter, or some other jarred, preserved deliciousness

  • When the apples are no longer in good condition, then we’ll round out the box with sauce and chips

  • You can also order hard cider with your box

Choose Dogwood Coffee St. Paul, Dogwood Coffee East Lake, Dogwood Coffee NE, France 44, or Sweetland Orchard for your pick-up location.

Winter CSA Options
Pie or Crisp
Pick-Up Location
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